full stop

[ful stɔp]
  • 释义
  • 完全停止;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Instead of using a full stop , you could use a conjunction.

    你可以使用一个连词, 而不是句号.

  • 2、

    And our goal is only a comma, not a full stop.

    而我们的目标只有逗号, 没有句号.

  • 3、

    Full stop! I'm not about to dive into a battle just so we can get slaughtered.

    完全停止! 我不打算投入一场我们只会遭到屠杀的战斗.

  • 4、

    This sentence ends with a full stop.


  • 5、

    People often use a comma instead of a full stop.


  • 6、

    I just think he is very unpleasant, full stop.

    我就是认为他很讨厌, 没别的说的.

  • 7、

    I'm not lending you my Porsche, full stop!

    我是不会把保时捷借给你的, 就这样!

  • 8、

    When mind looses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop.

    当思想恣意生长的时候, 创造性就被划上了句点.

  • 9、

    There's a full stop missing at the end of the article.


  • 10、

    To the past, and write a full stop.

    对于过去, 写上一个句号.

  • 11、

    You have been given at andatthe end of each sentence is a full stop.


  • 12、

    Do not forget the full stop at the end of the sentence.


  • 13、

    The car came to a full stop at the traffic lights.


  • 14、

    I'm not going to the party, full stop.

    我不准备参加聚会, 就这样.

  • 15、

    Can you write the full stop of Chinese as a solid point.


  • 16、

    I don't have to give you any reasons, full stop.

    我没有必要向你说明理由, 仅此而已!

  • 17、

    We put a full stop at the end of a sentence.


  • 18、

    Production at the factory has come to a complete / full stop.


  • 19、

    For each situation there will always be a full stop.


  • 20、

    There is no way to draw on the full stop.


  • 21、

    Their activity came to a full stop.


  • 22、

    Every sentence should have a full stop on the end.


  • 23、

    To the past, and write a full stop. It? For me?

    为过去画上一个圆满的句号.它? 为我?

  • 24、

    Come to a full stop, not a rolling stop.

    到了句号, 而不是一个滚动停止.

  • 25、

    I've already told you—we can't afford it, full stop!


  • 26、

    Or flower garden is like those people you put a little light, like the full stop?


  • 27、

    The cyclist came to a full stop at the stop sign.


  • 28、

    Come to a complete stop and full stop at the intersection.


  • 29、

    Full stop: Punctuation mark used to end a sentence.

    句号: 表示句子完结的标点符号.

  • 30、

    Cleared to make full stop landing.


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